Summer Discovery Camp Find your place in the natural world!
Age group 9 - 12
Cost - $100
Maximum of 15 students
Must attend all 3 days
Healthy snacks, cold water and all materials provided
Students should be prepared for outdoor activities: small backpack or bag, water bottle, long pants (leggings are fine), short sleeved shirt, bring light weight long sleeved shirt, closed toed shoes, socks, hat, insect repellent
Camp Details
Each day students will examine, explore and consider nature’s stories and making connections starting with a single natural material through science activities, nature games, creative projects, primitive skills and hands-on wildlife opportunities!
Camp Framework Example::
Students will rotate through 3 different focus groups with inspiring teachers and activities each day
DAY 1 / WATER- frog, warbler, wood duck, dragonfly, newt, beaver
DAY 2 / GRASS - vireo, grasshopper, king snake, turkey, golden orb weaver
DAY 3 / MUD - crayfish, dirt dauber, swallow, raccoon, turtle, gar
Activities may include:
Creativity - natural pigments & tools, nest building, clay sculpture, printmaking
Primitive Skills - fire, cordage, shelter
Science - water quality testing, biodiversity inventory, Tree ID
Wildlife - live animals, animal signs & tracking, animal architecture, snakes, insects,
Games - Sharing Nature book, scavenger hunt, swamp quilt