Come to Lee Tartt Nature Preserve for Troll and Dragon Migration Season!
Tickets are $10 for everyone over the age of 5
We are gathering a magical group of artists, local businesses, volunteers, sponsors & wildlife organizations for an enchanted day of creative fun at Lee Tartt Nature Preserve in the Grenada Downtown District.
Expect to be charmed by fantastic creations inspired by nature. Let your imagination run wild!
Professional artists have imagined and are creating a fantastic experience for all ages that will dazzle in both daylight and darkness. Glimpses of migrating swamp dragons and river trolls, Ents, dryads, musical spiders, and other mysterious enchantments await!
Visit the Green Dragon Apothocary for hand made sweets, smore and weeneie roasting kits to warm up over at the big firepit and the costume making activity area to create a mask or head piece from natural materials. Guests will park on the downtown Grenada Square and ride in on wagon. Freedom Ranch Wildlife Center show and tell live native animals and Wild Again In Mississippi Resue & Rehab will have hands on activities featuing native mammals.
Thanks to our sponsors:
Allison Ashmore, Devo Lancaster,
Grenada Garden Club,
Grenada Community Foundation
This project is supported in part by funding from the Mississippi Arts Commission, a state agency, and the National Endowment for the Arts, a federal agency.