

The early bird gets the worm, er... best plants; AND if our friends buy early, we will earn more for Lee Tartt Nature Preserve. SUPPLIES ARE LIMITED! Don’t miss your chance!

We are partnering with the Delta Audubon Society / Strawberry Plains Audubon Center, and we earn 50% of the profits generated through sales picked up at the Preserve. 

YOU WILL BE PICKING UP YOUR PLANTS during a scheduled time at Lee Tartt Nature Preserve ON APRIL 30 AND MAY 1.    

Shop online on Audubon Delta Native Plant Sale

Be sure to select the pick up site as “Lee Tartt Nature Preserve” to help us out.

As you know, native plants require less watering, love our dirt, thrive in our climate and our wildlife, especially our pollinators,  will be so grateful as you enjoy the show! WIN WIN!

All the plants chosen were grown locally and selected because they belong here. 

Plant pick-up on April 30 & May 1

Native Plant Sale 2021.jpg